Cyber Monday!

Saturday, November 30, 2013
Cyber Monday is just around the corner.  I actually thought today was Sunday...  It is time to load up those shopping carts!  I finished my December Print and Learn pack just in time!  This will be a lifesaver these next 3 week!

Check out these blogs for a list of tons of stores!

Take Me Back Tuesday

Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Thanksgiving break has officially started!  I'm linking up again with Hope, from Second Grade Shenanigans, for her Take Me Back Tuesday linky!  So glad my blogging life just got easier tonight! :)  Check out this MUST do activity!  Perfect for winter! :)

I keep seeing Pinterest activities that go with the book 'Snowmen at Night' and I keep thinking what is this book I need to see what it is all about!  I Google it and what do you know...I HAVE this book already.  Ok, you are probably thinking, "Huh? How does that work?"  Well, a year after I graduated college one of our family friends was retiring from teaching and was selling all of her stuff!  My family went to her house and bought like ALL of it, so I am still going through these supplies a year later!  Today we had an early release day so I planned on making it 'Snowmen at Night' themed day!  Before we found out what the snowmen do at night we guessed what they might do and made a chart.  After the book, we wrote down what they really did.  The kiddos LOVED this book!  Seriously, if you haven't read it yet you need to! :)  Once we discussed the book we wrote about what our snowman would do at night and drew a picture!

Before we left for the day we started our snowman paintings but you will have to wait to see these cute pieces of work until tomorrow! :)

Here is a picture of the stuff I got from that retired teacher!  A teacher's dream?!

Thankful Turkeys

Sunday, November 24, 2013
Two more days this week until a long weekend of eating, relaxing, and lots of SHOPPING!
Friday, we worked on our thankful turkeys!
I printed all the feathers on colored paper.  I "thought" I made a ton, but everyone wanted to put one friend's name on each feather, so we had to just write "friends".

I used the app InstaCollage to do my pictures!  Easy and fun! :)  I totally recommend it if you take pics on your iPhone when you are at school! 

Take Me Back Tuesday

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

I'm linking up with Hope from 2nd Grade Shenanigans for her Take Me Back Tuesday.  Bringing back the oldies!
Check out this post from November 13th, 2012

Alright, back to my little turkeys!  Thanksgiving is approaching fast!  Today we were in a turkey mood and made the CUTEST turkey headbands!  The kiddos were loving this project.  I got so many "I love this project" and "Do I look like a chicken?"...we were getting confused but we got it all figured out!  We took colored paper and the kiddos traced their turkey feathers onto it!

Next, everyone was given a sentence strip that they could decorate!  Once everyone had their strip my kiddos WANTED to write a sentence!!  YES!!  Of course I said YES!  I was going to have them write sentences after about their turkey but if they want to write on their strip...who's stopping them!?  We decided on a sentence and they all wrote, "I see a turkey."

 I stapled and they glued on their turkey feathers and cute little turkey heads!  Everyone was so proud of their creations!  I have to admit they were so adorable and easy to make! :)

A perfect project to go along with a perfect Thanksgiving Pack!

Habitat Activities

Monday, November 18, 2013
We are learning about plants and animals in science.  One thing we have been focusing on lately are animal habitats.  Here are a couple activities we have done!
 Each kiddo got an animal and they had to draw the animal's habitat.  On the back they had to write about what their animal needed to survive.
Here each kiddo got a picture of an animal.  We went around the circle telling what our animal was and coloring the correct habitat on our graph.
All of these activities are so easy and my class LOVED them! :)

Learning Targets...HELP!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Do not adjust your computer screen- Live, Laugh, I LOVE Kindergarten has gotten a makeover!  Thanks to Alicia from Dreamlike Magic Designs!

Today during writing, I had an unannounced observation.  This time with like 4 adimns...AH! My kids were AMAZING though!  Like literally EVERYONE was engaged and so quiet.  YES right!?  NO!  They were checking in on learning targets...ugh!  I could be better with them.  I don't know the best way to post them!  Some teachers put them on their SMART boards, but I don't use my SMART board all the time and what happens when I need to use my document camera...the targets are no longer posted and that would be when someone comes in to just "stop by".
How do you post your learning targets!?  Do you spend way to long getting them ready?!  HELP!
I will leave you with the best thing EVER!  Stop now if you are afraid of kids and tacks!  Kristin from A Teeny Tiny Teacher posted this freebie the other day!
Your kiddos take a tack and poke the dots to make the word!  She was NOT lying when she said your kiddos will be so quiet!  Make sure to explain to them HOW to use the tack..aka the tack only goes through the paper.
  I made this our "fun activity at the end of the day".  Meaning if you don't do your work, then you won't do this until you are finished.  I only had 2 who tested this until the very end of the day, when they realized I was not going to budge on my word they were quickly getting their unfinished work done.
They LOVED it!  I LOVED it!! :)

Five for Friday...Saturday Edition

Saturday, November 9, 2013
Tardy for the party!  I'm liking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for her Five for Friday linky!

We did some voting and used some activities from Irene's voting pack!
This happened...
The hidden gem!  I had these things FOREVER.  I got a ton of things from a retired teacher and these were in there.  I will admit, I never even looked through the bin they were in.  This is a fun BINGO game.  There is a popper like the game Trouble and the "popper" calls out the letter and number.  The players push down their number on their game piece.  My kiddos loved it!  They earned game time this week, so this was one station which was new for everyone and it was a success!
One of my struggling 2nd graders used his resources to figure out how to spell unknown words!  I noticed him go to his book box during science and saw him using his book to spell leaf!  YES!
If you are looking for an easy print and go pack, this is your pack!  I was planning yesterday and realized I needed some review sheets for math!  I went grabbed this pack and had many to choose from!  LIFESAVER! Click on one of the pictures to check it out! :)

Story Problem Activity

Thursday, November 7, 2013
 Almost Friday!  Check out this fun story problem activity we did!  I found these foam leaf stickers at the Dollar Tree!

I created 3 different worksheets that focused on subtracting.  I had all the kiddos color their tree.
Then, they added their leaves.  Our story problem was about how many leaves fell on the ground and how many were still left on the tree.
A nice, blurry picture of all three worksheets...sorry! haha!
One only focused on writing the equation, one was just filling in the blanks with the numbers and writing the equation, and one was writing the whole problem on your own!  
These worksheets are saved on my computer at school, so I will attach them tomorrow! :)

Congrats Cecile on winning my blogiversary giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

My Truth Monday-Becoming a Teacher

Monday, November 4, 2013
I missed out on this last Monday!  This week is all about becoming a teacher!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Saturday, November 2, 2013
It is that time again!  One of my favs-Farley's Currently!

1. I think Criminal Minds is always on in my house!  Love that show!
2. The hubby is in Paris (yes PARIS) for work, so my mom and sister came to visit while he is gone!
3. Have you heard!?  I have been blogging for a year!  My first linky party was Currently...ah memories haha! :)  AND I am having a fabulous giveaway!
4.  Our only plans today are to go shopping! YES!
5.  My week started off with a sore throat and now I have a bad cold :(  Hoping I feel better soon!  I think shopping will help that ;)
Pumpkin Fluff Dip  Recipe
I totally made this last weekend and didn't realize I had pinned the recipe!  It was so good!  I recommend cinnamon graham crackers for dipping! :)

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