Fill Your Heart With Freebies Blog Hop and Giveaway!

Friday, January 31, 2014

 I hope your heart is full of love and FREEBIES! :)  If you are starting here, just keep clicking through the blogger heart buttons and you will make your way around this hop!
I have created a Bonus Pages Part Two!  I have created 2 additional pages that are based off of my Stamp It pack!  These two pages are stamping color words!  Perfect for any time of the year, just add your letter stampers and you have a fun literacy center!

If you haven't grabbed my first Bonus Pages, click here!  

All of the fabulous bloggers in this hop have teamed up to bring you a Winner's Choice Giveaway!  Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Now head on over to Irene's blog by clicking on the button below!  Happy Hopping! :)

The Polar Vortex

Monday, January 27, 2014
I apologize for not blogging!  Honestly, since the last time I blogged we have been in school 2 days.  Yes, TWO!  Thanks to that "Polar Vortex"!  We had a "Cold Day" last week Thursday plus today and tomorrow too!  We are playing major catch up, but were informed today that two days we had off for teacher days are now school days for everyone.
One of those "make up days" is actually Valentine's Day!  Instead of having our party a day early we will have it on Valentine's Day!  I am not too upset since that will be a fun day!  If you are planning ahead (said no teacher ever) for Valentine's Day I have created a fun freebie.  It is a Write the Room activity which will get your kids up and moving if they have been stuck indoors like my little ones!
Click on any picture to go to check it out!

If you are looking for some more Valentine's Day activities, check out these products from my store!
Click on the picture!

This has some Valentine's Day activities plus other fun February themes!

Print and Learn: February-Pin it to Win it!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014
I finished this pack up yesterday and wanted to give you a closer look!  Scroll down to the check out some of the pages!  Time to win it!  Pin one of these pictures, leave the link, and your email to win!  I will pick winners tomorrow!  Congrats Amber!

Click on any picture to take you to my store!

I have included many February themes!  Groundhog's Day, Valentine's Day, President's Day, and dental health! 

Jamberry Nails

Sunday, January 19, 2014
Have you heard of them!?  I have seen many Facebook and blog posts about them, but never actually tried them out!  Thankfully the sweet Najda, from Garden Full of Knowledge, was kind enough to send me a SAMPLE!  Check out the site here!  SO many designs and colors!
I was sent an accent nail.  I cut it in half to make it fit each of my ring finger nails.
The website says to use the Jamberry heater, but a hair dryer does the same thing!  
*Tip-make sure to only touch the part of the wrap that you will be cutting off.*
Voila! So pretty!  I was nervous the wrap would fall off, but since I put it on I have cleaned the house, did laundry, and took a shower!  It is still in place and looking fabulous!

If you are hooked like me, there is a buy 3 get 1 free sale going on!

Snowball Fight Facebook Freebie Hop

Saturday, January 18, 2014
Don't miss the BIGGEST Snowball Fight of the Year!!
22 of your favorite bloggers have teamed up to bring you a...

Our forts are built...
the snowballs are packed & stacked...
and we're about to BLAST you with FREEBIES!!

So lace up your boots, pull on your mittens,
and get ready to load up on 'SNOW' much good stuff!!

Hop on over to to the Live, Laugh, I LOVE Kindergarten's facebook page to pick up my freebie!

Look for this tab on every facebook page to find the next FREEBIE.
Note: You will not be able to access the freebies from an iPad.  

Click the image below to download a copy of the clickable map to find your way to all the 'snow forts'!

The Snowball Fight begins at 10 am CST on Saturday, January 18th.  
But don't delay because the snowballs melt at 10 pm CST on Monday, January 20th!!

We hope you have fun on the hop and find lots of fun freebies that you and your kiddos will love!
Make sure to follow our blogs too so you'll never miss a FREEBIE!  
Thanks for joining our Snowball Fight!!

Clip It-Word Work

Thursday, January 16, 2014
For some reason, I have a TON of paint stir sticks.  Trust me I am not a professional painter on the side.  The hubby can back me up on that one.  He insisted on painting all the rooms in our house after he saw me paint our guest bedroom...
I decided to put those paint sticks to use in the classroom.
Time saver-color code the paint sticks and letters!  Seriously, it is so easy to keep organized and the kids know if they have an extra letter.
We practice our spelling words and sight word with them.

Doubles Scoop of Ice Cream

Sunday, January 12, 2014
My cuties were working on their doubles on Friday and I told them they were going to make ice cream cones!  At first they thought we were having real ice cream...  I cleared that up and we created our ice cream cones!
We measured our ice cream cone and made half circles for our scoops.
I handed out a problem to each kiddo.  They put that number on each scoop of ice cream and glued the problem on the cone.
We will hang these up in the room to help us remember those pesky doubles!
If you want the doubles worksheet click here.

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

Five for Friday!

Friday, January 10, 2014

1. After two weeks off, mother nature gave us two more!  It was COLD!

Monday was a nice treat and then Tuesday we had off and I might have been really ready by Wednesday to go back!   We had a short week, but we were busy!
2.  Over our "Cold Days" I created this super fun pack!

We used it every day this week and my kiddos were loving it! !
Want to try it out!?  Click here for a freebie!

3.  I used my number cards from my Let it Snow activity pack!

My kiddos sorted them by greater than 10 and less than 10.

4.  We did some fun New Year activities on Wednesday.  These were both FREE!  Check them out!

5. A fun roll and trace worksheet I added to Word Work this week!  This is from my Print and Learn: January Pack

Words Their Way Spelling Centers

Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Today was our first day back from winter break due to EXTREME cold the past couple days!  Luckily, we fell right back into our routines...YES!
I wanted to share our Words Their Way centers!  We have an awkward 20 minutes at the end of the day and I implemented this to get extra practice with our words!  I am new to this program this year, so I have been trying a lot of different things and this seems to have worked the best!
Please ignore this awful picture.  I tried taking it quick during our center time!  
I have four groups.  Each group is given their own set of words at their level which they will be tested on the following week.  I color code each group and print the words on matching paper.  
We do one center a day and on Friday we have "Free Choice Friday" and they can pick any center.  
I had to do this because I have 4 iPads and two groups have more than 4 kiddos.  Luckily, some sweet boys said they will wait and do their iPads on Friday.
In the "Partner Center", the kiddos work with a partner...duh!  Here they are doing spelling bees by asking their partner to spell a word from their notebooks.  Another fun activity is word search.  I give each kiddo a blank word search grid and they fill it in and give it to a partner.

The "Build It Center" has kiddos forming their words with different materials.  Material examples: stamps, play-doh, clothespin letters, or letter tiles.

"iPad center" is a favorite!  I downloaded Writing Wizard one day when they were offering it for free.  Best thing I could of done...I didn't even have iPad's for our classroom at the time.  This week we are just using the letter portion of the app.  Each kiddo picks a word and finds the letter and practices writing each individual letter.  This app is great because I can also go in and add each word list!  Two great activities in one app!

The final center is "Work with the Teacher".  I bet you can guess what we do in that center...  We start by doing our spelling test with our words from the previous week, get new lists, cut, sort, and glue them into our notebooks!
This has really helped my kiddos with their spelling AND reading!  These centers can be adjusted to any spelling program you use too!

Do you use Words their Way?  Do you have any other fun activities to do with the word sorts?

Dotter, Dauber, Dabber FREEBIE

Monday, January 6, 2014
If you are like me, you have some of these laying around.

I always wanted to do more with them than just dotting our names or using them for free art, so I created a Dotter Fun Activity Pack!

Rhyming Dots-Your kiddos dot the pictures that rhyme!

Concepts covered in this pack:
letter sounds
number recognition
I am linking up for Manic Monday and two pages are FREE!  Click here!

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday
Freebie Fridays

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