Cavity Activity

Thursday, February 27, 2014

February is almost over, BUT I have a couple fun activities you can do this year or next year!
First, we took a paper towel with a tooth drawn on it.  Each kiddo got a maker and made a dot on their tooth.  This was their "cavity".  We discussed how we would get a cavity.

Then, each cavity got a drop of water on it.  We watched as the cavity spread.  It was a great example of how a cavity can get bigger if it is not taken care of.

Next, we took two apples and poked a hole in one of them.  We predicted what would happen to the two apples.  In a week we will cut them open to see what happened!

This book fit in PERFECTLY with our experiments!

It is COLD!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Brr!  Nothing new here, just another round of the Polar Vortex!  Part of me wants to pull out my spring activities in hopes the temps will start going up.  And when I say go up, I mean above 0!  With that being said, I didn't pull out the spring stuff but some PENGUIN stuff!  Why not!?  
We are practicing our skip counting and my Skip Counting Penguins
fit in PERFECT!

I started by handing out a penguin card to each kiddo in my class.  Then, we put the numbers in order as a class.
After, we finished that we completed a skip counting penguin worksheet!  There are lots of worksheets included in this pack too! :)

Another activity that my kiddos LOVED was a Skip Counting Scavenger Hunt.  I hid these little numbers around the room and everyone found ONE card.  Once again, we put them in order and each little one brought up their number.

Manic Monday+Valentine's Day Recap

Monday, February 17, 2014!  It has been so long since I have blogged!  I want to say "SORRY!" with a freebie!  These are two pages from my Print and Learn: February

I know Valentine's Day has come and gone, but check out some of our fun LOVE filled activities!

 On Thursday, a teacher on my team was sick so we split her class up.  I switched my plans around and we made these Love Robots!

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

Five for Friday

Friday, February 7, 2014
I forgot what it was like to work a full 5 days!  It has been weeks since we have had a full week of school.  Our week was full of being kind and filling buckets.  If you missed my last post, I have had new student overload, so we had to review a TON!
1.   Monday we finished up our Groundhog's Day stuff with a "Digging Up Doubles" worksheet!  This is from my Print and Learn: February.
2.  If you follow me on Instagram, you saw this picture!  We used leftover book orders to sort fiction and non fiction books!
3.  We talked about filling buckets and made these buckets!  We turned it into a writing activity by writing about how we can fill someone's bucket!
4.  We filled each other's buckets by writing each other little notes to each other.  This was a HUGE hit!  I found these here.  I wrote notes throughout the day and at the end of the day everyone got their own little note to fill out for someone else.  
5.  I posted about this earlier this week, but wanted to share it again!  We found it on the floor at the end of the day today and we were all a little over dramatic about it...  Don't worry, I put it up right away! :)

How was your week!?  Did you actually teach a full week?!

We LOVE School!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Wow!  January seemed like an extended winter break.  We are trying SO hard to get back into our routines.  However, with 4 new students starting in the last week, things have been crazy!  I also have "adopted" my 4th student...aka they were in a different room, but due to behaviors was transferred to my room.  All these changes are hard on my original kiddos.  With that being said we have re-visited our expectations and have been going overboard on feelings and how we treat others.  Valentine's Day is just around the corner, so it gives us an excuse to overuse hearts!
Today, we focused on why we love school.  Sometimes we just need a little reminder on why school is so great! :)
Please pretend this is the best tree you have ever seen ;)
Everyone got a heart and wrote why they love school.  There was a great variety!  From friends to recess (of course), it was great to see what is important to each kiddos.  
I glued our hearts to our tree. 
Ta Da!! The finished product!  Some kiddos didn't see this until specials and were yelling "Our hearts!  Our hearts!"-too cute!
We will be talking about filling buckets the rest of the week!  
Fingers crossed they give me a few weeks before they add anymore kiddos to my room ...ha!

Are You Ready For Some FOOTBALL!?

Sunday, February 2, 2014
The Super Bowl is here and we had LOTS of football fun on Friday.
I found this fun ABC order activity here!  I started with a few words and then we kept adding them.  My kiddos liked the suspense of finding out what the next word would be!  After we put all the words in order, I had everyone record them on the recording sheet.
I gave each kiddo a piece of paper to write a B or S- B=Broncos and S=Seahawks (just in case you were wondering).  They made their prediction and we completed this sheet.  Thanks Lucky to be in First!
When this little one finished she came up to me and goes "I made a G for the Green Bay!"  She is my newest student, like 3 days did she know my favorite team was "the Green Bay"?!  Love it! 

 Everyone got a chance to design their own jersey too!  When they were done they glued it to their graphing paper and we added some GLITTER!
My whole class predicted the Seahawks would win and this one being the big football fan that he is decided to make his a Wilson jersey!

Did you do anything football related with your class!?

Currently February

Saturday, February 1, 2014
It is that time again!  I am linking up with Farley for her Currently!

Listening:  I am obsessed and there is always a marathon on!

Loving:  The hubby was traveling for work and brought home these!  My "early Valentine's present".

Thinking:  We literally missed 5 days in January due to extreme temps!  That is a FULL week!  We need spring!

Wanting:  Taxes-yes we are a little ahead of the game, but I am already ready for them to be done

Needing:  Nothing :)

2 Truths and a Fib:
1.  I do LOVE to watch sports!  There is always a game on!  Football is my favorite!  Go Pack Go!
2.  I don't even watch the Bachelor (GASP!).  That was my fib!
3. I do eat peanut butter straight from the jar.  I cannot be the only one...right?

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