Color Matching Sprinkles

Monday, June 24, 2019

We celebrated National Donut Day at the beginning of June with a morning of donuts and a fun color matching activity.
I drew a giant donut on a piece of poster board along with colored sprinkles (colored rectangles). 

Then, I cut out rectangles out of the pieces of paper that matched the sprinkles on our donut. 

We took the colored paper and matched them to the colored sprinkles on the donut.  We glued them, but you could reuse them by not gluing them on too.

For an added challenge, you could draw each sprinkle in a black marker and just write the color word on each sprinkle.  Your kiddos then would have to read the color word and match the sprinkles correctly.

Chalk Activities

Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Summer weather might be here to finally stay and we have spent a lot of our afternoons outside.  One of our favorite outside activity is sidewalk chalk.

I wanted to share a few activities that we have done the past couple weeks.

The first one we did was to review the letters in our name.  I wrote the letters in the little man's name then I called out the letter and he used his spray bottle to spray it away.  This could easily be used to review numbers or shapes too!

The second activity we used a paintbrush and water.  I drew shapes on the sidewalk and we painted over of the lines with the water. 

Finally, we made our own chalk paint!  We took old pieces of chalk and crushed them up. 

Then, we added water and painted away.  This was super fun and we even found some rocks to paint with our chalk paint.

Sight Word Passages

Friday, June 14, 2019
Sight words can be very tricky to learn and remember.  I always spend a lot of time reviewing, reviewing, reviewing them as we learn them. 

I am always thinking of fun ways to practice the sight words we learn.  We sing about them, chant the letters in them, and read books with them in it. 

I have created a fun way to practice these words that is perfect for ALL levels of readers. 
You can put these in your literacy centers, use them during guided reading, or use it during writing.
Each passage uses short sentences that focus on a sight word. 

Your kiddos will read the passage, circle the sight word, read the sight word, then write the sight word.
The best part of these passages is that the kiddos that aren't quite reading yet can still search through the passage to find the sight word.

Finding sight words while you read is a great reading skill and will help those little ones become better readers too!

Instead of using a pencil or marker, you can use a highlighter.  Have you ever given a kindergartner a highlighter?  It's like Christmas morning ;) 
Grab these HERE!

Fizzy Colors

Tuesday, June 11, 2019
I wanted to share a fun science activity that works inside on a rainy day or outside on a warm sunny day!

Fizzy Colors is easy prep and kept my little guy engaged for awhile.

All you need to get started is baking soda, food coloring, and vinegar. 

I placed a drop of food coloring all over a baking sheet. 

Then, I covered each drop with the baking soda.

After they are all covered take an eye dropper of vinegar and put drops of it on each pile of baking soda.  As it fizzes the colors will start to appear!

Once they were all done fizzing my little guy took his dropper and started mixing the colors to make new colors.
We went through more vinegar than I expected, but I did have a lot of baking soda over each colored drop.
I hope your little ones enjoy this as much as mine did :)

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