Have you entered Mrs. Leeby's 100 follower giveaway yet! Don't forget, it ends tonight!
Happy Friday Freebie
Friday, November 30, 2012
Snowman Project
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Today we finished our snowmen that we started yesterday. Yesterday, we drew our snowmen and then painted them BUT we used special paint! We mixed shaving cream in the paint to make it puffy! I worked at a preschool camp ever summer in college and we ALWAYS added shaving cream...makes it more fun! :) Today, we cut out our snowmen's hat, nose, scarf, and nose! My kinders had so much fun making each part on their own! Check out our finished product!
Seriously, I totally recommend Snowmen at Night! We read it a couple times today because my kiddos just love it!
Snowmen at Night
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
I keep seeing Pinterest activities that go with the book 'Snowmen at Night' and I keep thinking what is this book I need to see what it is all about! I google it and what do you know...I HAVE this book already. Ok, you are probably thinking, "Huh? How does that work?" Well, a year after I graduated college one of our family friends was retiring from teaching and was selling all of her stuff! My family went to her house and bought like ALL of it, so I am still going through these supplies a year later! Today we had an early release day so I planned on making it 'Snowmen at Night' themed day! Before we found out what the snowmen do at night we guessed what they might do and made a chart. After the book, we wrote down what they really did. The kiddos LOVED this book! Seriously, if you haven't read it yet you need to! :) Once we discussed the book we wrote about what our snowman would do at night and drew a picture!
Before we left for the day we started our snowman paintings but you will have to wait to see these cute pieces of work until tomorrow! :)
Here is a picture of the stuff I got from that retired teacher! A teacher's dream?!
Before we left for the day we started our snowman paintings but you will have to wait to see these cute pieces of work until tomorrow! :)
Roll and WRITE!
Monday, November 26, 2012
I hope everyone survived their first day back! The kiddos were so happy to be back! I had one convinced if he didn't get in his bus line his mom would come pick him up...My kiddos love when I announce they are a pickup after school!
Today, we did a fabulous activity from my Let it Snow pack! I was always nervous to do anything involving dice with my kiddos. I mean kindergartners plus dice, in my mind means CHAOS. I need to realize my classroom management is better than that. I am glad I got over my fear of dice last year and realize how much my kiddos LOVE using them! For this activity, instead of rolling and coloring the kiddos TRACE the number word. It is awesome practice for recognizing those words and for the little ones who struggled with this in my class would just count the lines of words to figure out which number word matched which number...so smart!
Today, we did a fabulous activity from my Let it Snow pack! I was always nervous to do anything involving dice with my kiddos. I mean kindergartners plus dice, in my mind means CHAOS. I need to realize my classroom management is better than that. I am glad I got over my fear of dice last year and realize how much my kiddos LOVE using them! For this activity, instead of rolling and coloring the kiddos TRACE the number word. It is awesome practice for recognizing those words and for the little ones who struggled with this in my class would just count the lines of words to figure out which number word matched which number...so smart!
Don't forget Cyber Monday and Tuesday on TpT!!
Bloggy Love plus a Giveaway!!
Saturday, November 24, 2012
I just want to thank all my fellow bloggers for my nominations for the Liebster Award! What a great way to find new bloggers!! We need to stick together! :)
Guess what!? My favorite little blogger Mrs. Leeby at Learning with Mrs. Leeby is having a 100 followers giveaway!! What!? 100 already!? You go girl! I am so happy that I could contribute something to this giveaway!
Here are some things that you can win:
Mrs. Leeby is giving away her Winter Wonderful pack AND a $10 Starbucks gift card! I don't know about you, but I would be happy with just that! But we aren't stopping there...
Cindy from Granny Goes to School is giving away her Snowman Fun Craftivity!
Jennifer from Herding Kats in Kindergarten is giving away her Winter Ten Frames!
Finally, I am giving away one item from my TpT store-your choice! I couldn't decide so I will let the winner decide!!
There are many ways to enter, but if you don't enter how will you win!? Good Luck!
I know you have seen there will be a Cyber Monday plus Tuesday sale on TpT and I am happy to announce my whole store will be 20% plus Tpt is adding 10%!! Check out some things that will be in this sale!
OMG-Go fill your carts now!!
Guess what!? My favorite little blogger Mrs. Leeby at Learning with Mrs. Leeby is having a 100 followers giveaway!! What!? 100 already!? You go girl! I am so happy that I could contribute something to this giveaway!
Here are some things that you can win:
Mrs. Leeby is giving away her Winter Wonderful pack AND a $10 Starbucks gift card! I don't know about you, but I would be happy with just that! But we aren't stopping there...
Jennifer from Herding Kats in Kindergarten is giving away her Winter Ten Frames!
There are many ways to enter, but if you don't enter how will you win!? Good Luck!
I know you have seen there will be a Cyber Monday plus Tuesday sale on TpT and I am happy to announce my whole store will be 20% plus Tpt is adding 10%!! Check out some things that will be in this sale!
OMG-Go fill your carts now!!
Happy Black Friday!!
Friday, November 23, 2012
I had such a fabulous Thanksgiving and a fabulous Black Friday too! Christmas is now even closer which means it is now ok to put up Christmas decorations and listen to Christmas music non-stop! AND a Christmas themed blog! I seriously have been waiting until AFTER Thanksgiving to change everything!
Black Friday wouldn't be complete without a Black Friday FREEBIE!
I jumped on my blog today and found that I got nominated for the Liebster Blog! Thanks so much to Mrs. Leeby for nominating me for The Liebster Award.The Liebster Award is given by bloggers to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. It is to show new bloggers that they are appreciated and to help spread the word about new blogs.
Questions asked by Mrs. Leeby:
1. Do you play an instrument?
No, but I did play the recorder in 4th grade, like every other 4th grader! :)2. Where have you travelled?
My mom was a travel agent when I was growing up so I have been all over! :)3. What is your favorite thing to cook or your favorite recipe?
4. How long have you been teaching?
3 years
5. What's your zodiac sign?
6. Camping or hotel on a beautiful summer weekend?
Camping is so fun but only for one night!
7. Most embarrasing blogging moment?
I'm still a rookie blogger so I think in every post there is something I have done wrong! However, my dad did make up an account to comment on my blog one time. So one day I had a comment from a person named "Daddio" who said his daughter would love all these teaching ideas...haha! Oh dad!
8. Bath or shower?
9. Wine or beer?
Umm both!?
10. Real or fake Christmas tree?
Real! Love the smell!11. Is bloggging taking over all of your free time?
Yes, duh! Thanks to Mrs. Leeby I would have never even started!
Questions to my nominations:
1. If you didn't teach the grade you do now, which grade would you want to teach?
2. What is your favorite holiday?
3. Where would you want live if you didn't live where you currently live?
4. What is your favorite hobby, besides blogging?;)
5. What is your favorite sports team?
6. Are you a risk taker?
7. Are you a Black Friday shopper?
8. Favorite place to visit?
9. Favorite season and why?
10. What was your first ever job?
11. What is your favorite teaching memory?
Blogs I am Nominating:
1. Keeping it Kool In KinderLand
2. Crazy about First Grade
3. Special Teacher for Special Kids
4. Mrs. Payton's Precious Kindergarteners
5. Kindergarten Pals
6. Tales of a First Grade Teacher
7. Kindergarten Faith
8. I Heart Recess
9. Kinderpillars
10. Love, Laughter, and Lesson Plans
11. Kindergarten Kel
Don't forget that Monday and Tuesday I am having a TpT sale!! Whoo Cyber Monday and Tuesday! Check out my latest winter pack- Let it Snow!
Black Friday wouldn't be complete without a Black Friday FREEBIE!
I jumped on my blog today and found that I got nominated for the Liebster Blog! Thanks so much to Mrs. Leeby for nominating me for The Liebster Award.The Liebster Award is given by bloggers to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. It is to show new bloggers that they are appreciated and to help spread the word about new blogs.
The rules:
- You must post 11 random things about yourself.
- Answer the questions that the nominator set for you.
- Create 11 questions for the people you nominate.
- Choose 11 blogs you love (with less than 200 followers) and link them in your post.
- No tag back (but please leave me a comment on this post with the URL to your Liebster post so I can learn more about you)!
Random facts about ME:
1. I have wanted to be a teachers since I was little! I would play school with my little cousins growing up during family get togethers!
2. I LOVE football! Go Pack Go!
3. I have a Fantasy Football team named Pink Glitter Sparkle and I am in FIRST place! Yes, I am beating my husband and ALL his friends!
4. I love the color pink
5. My favorite drink is Diet Coke
6. I have ALWAYS wanted to teach kindergarten
7. My favorite food is rice! I think it was the first thing I learned how to make so it just has stuck with me
8. I secretly wish I could drive a semi and sleep on the side of the road in my truck...I know, so weird! Haha!
9. Right now I am obsessed with Abby Lee's Ultimate Dance Competition and am counting down the days until Pretty Little Liar and Biggest Loser starts again
10. My favorite store every is Target! Seriously, I live within walking distance to one which is not always a good thing ;)
11. Christmas is my all time favorite holiday!
Questions asked by Mrs. Leeby:
1. Do you play an instrument?
No, but I did play the recorder in 4th grade, like every other 4th grader! :)2. Where have you travelled?
My mom was a travel agent when I was growing up so I have been all over! :)3. What is your favorite thing to cook or your favorite recipe?
4. How long have you been teaching?
3 years
5. What's your zodiac sign?
6. Camping or hotel on a beautiful summer weekend?
Camping is so fun but only for one night!
7. Most embarrasing blogging moment?
I'm still a rookie blogger so I think in every post there is something I have done wrong! However, my dad did make up an account to comment on my blog one time. So one day I had a comment from a person named "Daddio" who said his daughter would love all these teaching ideas...haha! Oh dad!
8. Bath or shower?
9. Wine or beer?
Umm both!?
10. Real or fake Christmas tree?
Real! Love the smell!11. Is bloggging taking over all of your free time?
Yes, duh! Thanks to Mrs. Leeby I would have never even started!
Questions to my nominations:
1. If you didn't teach the grade you do now, which grade would you want to teach?
2. What is your favorite holiday?
3. Where would you want live if you didn't live where you currently live?
4. What is your favorite hobby, besides blogging?;)
5. What is your favorite sports team?
6. Are you a risk taker?
7. Are you a Black Friday shopper?
8. Favorite place to visit?
9. Favorite season and why?
10. What was your first ever job?
11. What is your favorite teaching memory?
Blogs I am Nominating:
1. Keeping it Kool In KinderLand
2. Crazy about First Grade
3. Special Teacher for Special Kids
4. Mrs. Payton's Precious Kindergarteners
5. Kindergarten Pals
6. Tales of a First Grade Teacher
7. Kindergarten Faith
8. I Heart Recess
9. Kinderpillars
10. Love, Laughter, and Lesson Plans
11. Kindergarten Kel
Don't forget that Monday and Tuesday I am having a TpT sale!! Whoo Cyber Monday and Tuesday! Check out my latest winter pack- Let it Snow!
Holiday Linky
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
I know, I know we haven't even dug into our Thanksgiving feasts and I have Christmas on my mind! I found a great Holiday Linky party from The Hands on Teacher in First and immediately needed to link up!
My favorite Christmas/Holiday book is Christmas Magic by Michael Garland. I first read it during student teaching to my kindergarten class and fell in LOVE with it! It is so cute and really shows you the magic Christmas brings to everyone!
Last year we learned about different holidays in different cultures so I was able to share this book with my kiddos! This year I will do the same and have a new winter themed pack to add to my lessons!
Check it out here!
Thanksgiving Feast ABC Order
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Today was our last day of school until Monday! The kiddos were excited to be off until one little one announces, "You guys that means no Daily 5!" How lucky am I that my kids are obsessed with Daily 5!? Today we had a Thanksgiving themed kind of day! We did a fun ABC order activity! I had the students name different types of things they eat at their Thanksgiving feast! I wrote them down on cards and we worked as a class to put it in order! They had a blast!
In case you are jumping ahead to AFTER Thanksgiving already...Check this out!
Marvelous Monday!
Monday, November 19, 2012
Today starts our short 2 day week! Can't wait to have a few days off with family and friends in WI!
We were extra busy in room 32 today! I saw the cutest worksheet in my copy room at school about sorting words and letters, but did not copy it because I have felt lately my kids are on worksheet overload! So I did the next best thing, I created the worksheet in real life and had my kinders sort words and letters on our white board! This worked out fabulous because they could see the differences in them both and we could discuss what makes a word a word! Of course we have those tricky letters that are words AND a letter but my kiddos picked up the concept fast!
I was in WI this past weekend for my friend's bridal shower, so of course I found myself at Hobby Lobby! This store is amazing and I got the cutest little letter charms for my Word Work center! My kiddos LOVE LOVE Daily 5 (like scream and cheer every time I announce we are doing Daily 5, kind of love) and I am always looking to add more activities for them! I paired this activity with one of my activities from my Let it Snow! pack. I took the sight word match game cards and added it with the letter charms and we had a fabulous Word Work center! The students picked a card and made that word on the pipe cleaner! :)
Here is where you can find the word cards!
And the Winners are....
Saturday, November 17, 2012
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