
Sunday, June 30, 2013

I am linking up with Flying into First for her Let's Get Acquainted linky!  This week is tic tac toe!  Make a tic tac toe and answer the questions along the way!

Dream Vacation:

I love going on vacation!  Especially if it is on the beach!  I have always wanted to go to Aruba!
  Beaches in Aruba

My Favorite Subject to Teach:

We had four kindergarten teachers and we all took a subject to plan, then shared it with the other teachers.  I planned math and I loved it!  I love making it fun and finding things to do engage my kiddos as we learn a topic.  One of my favorite lessons was when we played musical chairs to learn about subtracting!

Favorite College Memory:

I went to UW-Green Bay and LOVED every second of it!  I think my favorite memory was meeting and spending time with friends!  I met so many people and some of my closest friends actually lived so close to my hometown!

Starting tomorrow there will be NO Google Reader!  Switch over to Bloglovin' and don't forget to follow me!  I am having a giveaway to celebrate the move to Bloglovin'!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Stopping over I am a follow but I just found out you are from my great state of Wisconsin!! Wahoo!!

  2. Literacy has always been my favorite thing to teach, but math is working it's way up the list for sure!
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  3. Agh! I totally forgot about the Let's Get Acquainted Linky!! One more thing to add to Monday's post tomorrow! LOL

    My hubs best friends goes to Aruba quite a bit...must be nice huh!? (We are still waiting on our invite! Haha)

    Mrs. Thigpen's Kindergarten

  4. I have actually been to Aruba but for only one day. We were on a cruise and it was one of the little stops along the way. Beautiful!

  5. Thanks for stopping by! I enjoyed reading your post.

    Sweet Teach


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