Fact Families and a TREAT for YOU!

Thursday, May 8, 2014
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!  
We have been going over fact families a lot this week in math.  I tried doing these with my kids before and they were just NOT getting the concept.  They didn't understand that you are ONLY using the 3 numbers given to you.  Isn't it funny things you think will be simple are the most complicated!  I used a hands on approach to reteach this concept.
I created a Fact Family Mat and whipped up some color coded cards to go with it.  I told my students they needed to write 2 addition problems and 2 subtraction problems by moving their cards around.  I put a plus sign on one side and a minus on the other.
We used the mats and white boards one day.  The next day we reviewed the same concept but didn't use the Fact Family Mat.  I gave each kiddo a recording sheet.  They picked their cards, colored their dot to match the number colors, and then wrote their problems.
My favorite kiddo quote: "Hey!  This is getting easier!"  Finally, we are getting it!
Now onto my teacher TREAT!  Click HERE or on the picture.
I created a small pack of worksheets that can be used now or later!  Enjoy!


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