Ten Things I Want To Do This SUMMER!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

I have been MIA for way too long!  I am sorry!  I had a student teacher, a billion tests, and a PDP to complete.  By the time I got home I couldn't think about school!
BUT I am back and thinking about summer!  It is only 7 days away!
I am linking up with Deanna Jump for her fun Summer Linky!  Some of these things I WILL be doing and some I WANT to do! :)
1.  I will be spending a fun girl's weekend up north with my friend IRENE!
Last summer our teamwork paid off and we caught this fish!  I really only got it in the net.
2. WEDDINGS!  We have about 10 weddings from now until the beginning of fall!  
3.  READ, READ, READ!!  I have read more than I usually do lately, but this summer I want to read tons!  Any book suggestions!?
4. Enjoy some sun!  This winter was LONG and COLD!  Our current temps are in the 80's and I am LOVING it!
5.  Get in some good workouts!  I have been working out like a crazy woman lately and I can't wait to wake up (at a normal time) and enjoy a nice workout before the day even starts!
My current workout routine!  LOVE Tone It Up!
6. Spend time with family and friends!  Two of my friends are going to be in WI all summer!  Can't wait after they have been in far away states (AZ and CO) for WAY too long! :)  
7. Go camping!  Not planned, but the hubby just bought a new tent and I think I could "rough it" for one night! :)
8.  Enjoy the bike and running trails by our house!
9.  Do LOTS of grilling!  Last weekend I think half of my meals were made on the grill...LOVE summer!
10. Relax and try not to think about school...well until the end of July ;)

Now it is your turn to link up!


  1. Your friends are in my neck of the woods! I love your list...looks like it will be "work" to accomplish it all but I have faith in YOU!

    Enjoy your wedding extravaganzas - they make me so happy.

    1. Awesome! Thanks Kristan! Can't wait for summer and all the weddings we have!


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