Anchor Charts

Wednesday, July 23, 2014
I don't know about you, but my anchor charts are made in like 3 seconds during class with my kiddos.  They are messy and usually have crossed out words since I am rushing to get them started, so my kiddos can help fill it in if needed.
I got this box of poster board for free from our union office.  They have this "free" room of donated things and one week when I was there for ENVoY training they had a pile of poster board.  SCORE!  I should of taken more boxes, but they are heavy and of course I found other things I "needed" too!
Honestly, it has been sitting in my trunk for months, but today I decided to get a head start on starting some of my anchor charts for this year.
My room is tiny this year, so there will be not a ton of space to hang things.  I decided to cut the poster in half.  You would think I was building something with that tape measure, but no, we don't have a yardstick at home because I take them to school (duh)!
I have been pinning up a storm and found these two ideas on Pinterest!  I made these two charts and started making my Daily 5 expectation charts.  I want to get my Daily 5 charts started, so they are ready for my kiddos to "help" me fill in!  
Tell me about your anchor charts!

Have you heard!?  I hit 1,000 followers on TpT and I am throwing a giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love your blog. It was very easy for me to enter the contest because I already followed you. Thank you for this giveaway.


    A Rainbow of Teaching

  2. I have contemplated starting some anchor charts as well.... Love your little blog :-)

    1. It will be a great time saver to do them now! :)

  3. Love this idea! You've motivated me to start making some too!

  4. As soon as my room is finished, I hope to get started on my charts too!!

  5. I am just catching up on your blog! Wow! You are sooooo busy! xoxoxo LOVE THOSE CURTAINS!!


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