5 Senses Card Match

Thursday, September 11, 2014
We are spending our week in science going over our 5 senses to prepare us for our first science kit next week!
I made some 5 senses cards for my kiddos to use for this activity.  Each card has a picture of the sense and the name.

I gave each kiddo their own set of cards to cut out.  Once they were done they laid them out on the carpet.
I took my favorite set of Target Dollar Spot cards out to use for this activity.  Any picture set of picture cards will work.

I held up a picture and my kiddos held up one of their five senses cards that matched.  For example, I held up a picture of a radio and my kinders picked out the card that said hear on it!
Click HERE to grab your 5 senses cards! :)
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