Five for Friday

Saturday, November 1, 2014
You did it!  You survived Halloween week!  We aren't allowed to celebrate Halloween because some consider it a religious holiday, BUT we still had a pretty fun 4 day week...yes we had Halloween off!! :)

I finished my Half Sheet-Alphabet pack!  My kiddos rocked our letter review!  One buyer took each letter and made it into a small book!  Genius!
We still love our cutting practice with these sight word pages!

I love this time of year because my kinders are finally trying to sound spell!  
"This weekend I got new clothes."

The closest I could get to a "Halloween" activity.  Graphing skittles!  This was the first time we tried graphing and everyone seemed to get it!:)

We had Friday off to do our grades!  I had mine done so I spent the day doing work in my classroom and planning with my team!  Hope everyone had a fabulous Halloween.


  1. Hi Kimberly,
    This is my first time at your blog. Thanks for sharing your Five 4 Friday! I just loved seeing your kinder's first attempt at writing . It just warms my heart knowing how far they have come and will continue to come when they arrive in 2nd with me. Happy Saturday!


    The Write Stuff Teaching

  2. Your kiddos writing is looking great. How nice for you to have no kiddos on Friday. Love your Somee Once you've taught Kinder nothing really surprises or scares you.

    Luv My Kinders

  3. I love seeing invented spelling - and it does come out more this time of year! My "Halloween" activities looked much like yours! We graphed the fall mix of candy corn :)
    Love the half sheet alphabet practice - isn't it fun when buyers come up with fun ideas for our products too? Awesome! Happy November!


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