Stop, Swap, and Roll! Plus a Giveaway!

Saturday, January 31, 2015
I am so happy to participating in Jungle Learners product swap!  Almost everyone participating is giving away the product they swapped!

I was lucky enough to swap with Mo from More than Math by Mo!  Her store is full of amazing products so it was so hard to choose!

I ended up choosing her Real vs Nonsense words pack.  I used this pack during guided reading with a couple of my groups!  They were so engaged and giggled every time they read a nonsense words :)

This pack is filled with a variety of activities!  The best part is each activity comes in colored or black/white!
The first activity I had my kiddos do was sorting real and nonsense words.
The graphics were perfect!  My kiddos kept commenting on them!
For this activity, I spread the word cards upside down on the table.  Each kiddo would pick a card, read it, and sort it.
Like I said before, when they read a nonsense word they would just crack up.  I walked away for a second and when I came up they could not stop laughing. I asked what was so funny, so they showed me one of the cards and asked me to read it.  I read it and they just started laughing again.  Learning is so fun :)
The next activity we did was Finding Real Words.  Each card had a nonsense word and a real word.  The kids had to read each word and record which word was real on their recording sheet.

Along with these two activities, there were some worksheets for review!  
If you are LOVING this pack as much as I am, then enter below to win a copy!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Check out more amazing products and giveaways!

Five for Friday

Friday, January 30, 2015
It has been awhile since I have linked up!

 The diagnosis: STREP!  Ugh!  I am finally feeling a little better!

I created this fun syllable game during my prep one day.  In honor of "The Big Game", I cut out footballs and wrote words on each one.  Then I made goal posts.  I put numbers on each one.  We went around the circle picking a football, reading the word, and counting the syllables.  We would put the football by the correct number and cheer after each turn.
If I had to change one thing about this activity, I would of made more goal posts and put one number on each number!

We are doing our FOSS Fabric unit in science.  Here we are weaving.  Simple and so engaging! :)

I posted this on my Instagram.  We are in our measuring unit and we all traced our shoes to measure. 

I think I posted this on my Facebook or Instagram last week, but wanted to share it here!  I made a this sheet and had my kiddos cut out buttons to create a addition equation.  This little one got really into it :)

What were you up to this week?!
Stop by tomorrow for a fun little giveaway! :)

Winter Writing Center

Monday, January 19, 2015
My writing center needed an upgrade, so I created this Winter Writing Center Activities pack!

There are a variety worksheets and word cards to use with a winter theme!
My kiddos really loved the Read, Trace, Write, and Build sheets!
These sheets are perfect because they can be completed independently.  I mixed the sentence up on the bottom, to promote a little reading.  I did have one kiddo put it in the same order they cut it out in...there is always one :)

There are also 10 word cards.  These can be put in your writing center and used in many different ways.  Students can pull out a word and create a sentence using that word, students can write or trace each word, OR throw in some letter beads and they can build the word!
There are 4 writing prompts included in 3 different levels!  There is a fill in the blank sheet, a tracing sheet, and a sheet with one question that would be fully written out on their own.

I have also included a journal cover with writing pages in two different levels.

I would LOVE to give a copy away!
To win:
1. PIN any picture in this post
2.  COMMENT with your email
Giveaway over!! :)  Congrats Sara and Brittany

Snowman Buttons

Thursday, January 15, 2015
I have a fun and easy to create math center!
I made a handful of big snowmen and about 20 hats. Each hat had a number on it.  This is where those buttons will come in.
My kiddos would pick a hat and put it on their snowman.  

Then, they counted out button to match their number.
The hats also could have addition or subtraction problems on top and then the kiddos will have to show the answer with their buttons.

Five for Friday

Friday, January 9, 2015
We made it! First week back!  Even though we had a "Cold Day" on Wednesday we still had a busy week!

On Tuesday, we had some people come in and do a play for our kinders about accepting people who have disabilities.  It was extremely cute and very interactive!  

At my old school, we used the Six Pillars of Character curriculum.  I started using it with my kinders this year to review each pillar.  We finished trustworthy by making gold medals!  My  kiddos ate it up! :0

We have been hitting the sight words and completed a few of these worksheets this week!  These can be found in my Dolch Word Bundle pack!

We are reviewing our number unit by using this Missing Number worksheet from my recently updated Let it Snow pack!

I spent a week in Florida over break and brought back seashells for each of my kiddos.  Majority of them have never been to a beach, so I thought it would be fun to bring a  part of the beach to them!  You would of thought I brought them $100 bills!  They were in love and "listened to the ocean" with them.  I still have kiddos who all of a sudden tell me they went to the beach yesterday...It has been like -20 here and we do not live by any beaches...ha!

How was your week!?  Did you have any days off?


Monday, January 5, 2015
Happy New Year!  I'm a little tardy to the party here, but here is my currently!  Thanks Farley for hosting this fun linky every month!
Listening:  I always forget it is on because it is Monday and who remembers anything on a Monday!?
Loving:  Today went pretty well!  I had a kiddo spill his milk right when we started our good morning song and I got the whole mess cleaned up as my kiddos did the song without me being me this can turn into who can be the silliest really fast!
Thinking:  I am also so tired and wish I was still laying around all day like I was over break!
Wanting:  The wind chill is like -7 right now...Polar Vortex?
Needing:  We will not go outside until like Thursday...maybe!  And we don't have gym until Thursday...HELP!
Yes:  I need to blog more!  I am hoping to change that!
Maybe:  I keep seeing the cutest blog designs and think it might be time to get a new one!
I wish:  I was in FL last week and now I want to go on another beach vacation!

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