Five for Friday

Friday, January 30, 2015
It has been awhile since I have linked up!

 The diagnosis: STREP!  Ugh!  I am finally feeling a little better!

I created this fun syllable game during my prep one day.  In honor of "The Big Game", I cut out footballs and wrote words on each one.  Then I made goal posts.  I put numbers on each one.  We went around the circle picking a football, reading the word, and counting the syllables.  We would put the football by the correct number and cheer after each turn.
If I had to change one thing about this activity, I would of made more goal posts and put one number on each number!

We are doing our FOSS Fabric unit in science.  Here we are weaving.  Simple and so engaging! :)

I posted this on my Instagram.  We are in our measuring unit and we all traced our shoes to measure. 

I think I posted this on my Facebook or Instagram last week, but wanted to share it here!  I made a this sheet and had my kiddos cut out buttons to create a addition equation.  This little one got really into it :)

What were you up to this week?!
Stop by tomorrow for a fun little giveaway! :)


  1. Kimberly, your weaving is so genius! I've always resorted to paper because using one long string always got tangled, leading to more management issues than I had energy for. I never thought to keep the wool in shorter bits! Thank you!!
    PS: Feel better! I'm home sick today with the same thing. Boo!

  2. I didn't even know there was a FOSS fabric kit. That weaving looks awesome! I love the Balance and Motion.
    Not very fancy

  3. I love that you had your students measuring their shoes. Real world application! Now if only they could do fractions and figure out how to convert that number to shoe size :)

    Brynn Allison
    The Literary Maven


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