Five for Friday

Friday, July 15, 2016

You're probably think "YOU'RE ALIVE!" or maybe you haven't even noticed the blogging break I have taken.  Trust me it has been a long time since I wrote a post that didn't involve a giveaway.  I figured why not dust off the old blog by linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching!
Check out what I have been up to!

I have one BIG reason for my blogging break and that has to do with this guy right here!  Beau was born on January 10th!  He keeps us busy and by the time I put him to bed at night I just want to sit and do nothing (and think about how cute he is!)

I have spent many nap times checking out the Pinterest and I am officially obsessed with mason jars.  So obsessed that I made my own mason jar vases.  The hubby actually likes them but reminds me he hates fake flowers (should I know this?)

Summer break means preparing for the upcoming school year!  Which means spending money on cute things we see all summer long- Sorry, Hubby!
I found this puzzle on Zulily for like $4!  

Creative Teaching Press is doing a Back to School Giveaway right now!  Check out the stuff I just ordered from there!  My sticker collection has been slowly dwindling so I figured it was time to stock up!

Ok-one more picture-He's just SO cute!


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