Toddler Tuesday {Preschool Ideas} Week 5

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

It is Halloween week!  I hope you're week isn't too scary!
Today I have a fun project you can do in between Halloween and Thanksgiving!
How cute are these Q-tip trees!?  They are easy to make and even help work on those fine motor skills!

I used thicker paper, so the paint would not tear with all the paint in one area.  I drew a tree using a black marker.  You can draw a tree or you can print a tree out.  I have a tree HERE that you can print.

I set out colors you would see on fall trees along with a bunch of Q-tips.  Your kiddos simply dip their Q-tip into the paint and make small dots all around the tree.

Hang these trees up to make an adorable fall display in your class or in your hallway!

Halloween Sequencing FREEBIE

Thursday, October 25, 2018
Halloween is right around the corner.  Whether you are able to celebrate in your class or not I have a freebie that you can use during Halloween week.

I have created a cute candy corn themed sequencing sheet.  Each section of the candy corn is labeled with beginning, middle, or end. 

Your kiddos can draw a picture or write what happened in the story you read or the story they read during centers.
Click HERE to grab it!

Toddler Tuesday {Preschool Activities} Week 4

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

This week I wanted to share a fun activity that focuses on gross motor!  We played a fun letter toss game with a candy corn theme!!
I put these large candy corn letters around the room.

We stood in a circle around the letters.  Each kiddo gets a chance to throw a bean bag on a letter.  They will say the letter that the bean bag lands on!  If it does not land on a letter, have them say the letter that is closest to their bean bag.

There are so many ways you can play this game.  You could have your kiddos say the sound or something that starts with that letter too!
You can leave the letters on the floor after a kiddo says it OR you can have that kiddo keep the letter they got.

I have added a recording sheet as well!  If playing in a large or small group, after a letter is called out everyone can trace/color that letter.  There are two recording sheets so you can decide if you want them to just color the letter or if you want them to trace it.

Grab it HERE!

Five Halloween Themed Activities for the Classroom

Thursday, October 18, 2018
Halloween is only a couple weeks away!  If you throw a Halloween party in your classroom, you may be looking for some fun activities to add to your day!

I found 5 fun Halloween activities that would be perfect for the classroom.  They all are educational and FUN!
1. Fine Motor Web
Put some fall or Halloween objects on a table.  Then, make a spider web out of tape.  Your kiddos will use tweezers to pick up the objects and place them in their cup!

2.  Gross Motor Web
Make a spider web on the floor using painters tape.  Then, place plastic spiders around the web.  Your kiddos will walk on the web lines collecting the spider.  Once they get through the web you can have a prize waiting for them or they can turn around and walk back to the start.

3.  Life Size Pumpkin Memory
Your kiddos will love this big game of memory!  Create pumpkins out of paper plates with different faces (2 of each face).  This could be done with the class or on your own.  Then, flip over each plate and play it like memory by trying to find the matching faces.

4.  Find the Letter-Hole Punch
This would be a great game to do if you pull small groups that day!  Simply, write the letters A-Z around a pumpkin cut out and call out letters.  Your kiddos will hole punch the letter you call.  Make it more challenging by calling out letter sounds or "what does apple start with?".

5. Pumpkin Tic Tac Toe
Create a tic tac toe board game using tape on the floor.  Then, use 2 different colored pumpkins to play tic tac toe on your floor board!

Toddler Tuesday {Preschool Activities} Week 3

Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Week 3 is all about sensory bins!

I picked up assorted beans at the store along with some plastic spider rings and put them in a plastic storage container.

I let the little guy scoop the beans first.  Then, I had him find all the spiders in the container.  At first we just put them in a pile, then I had him match one spider to a ten frame mat.

 I didn't tell him what it was, but just showed him how to organize his spiders.
This was a fun activity for one to one correspondence, but still allowed for play :)

For extra name practice, I added in some pumpkin letters for him to find and then spell his name.  He would find the letters and then I would help him put it in order.
Grab the ten frame mat HERE!
Grab the pumpkin letters HERE!

Toddler Tuesday {Preschool Activities} Week 2

Tuesday, October 9, 2018
I'm making an effort to post a fun preschool activity every week and we are on week 2!  I'm celebrating the small victories :)

Today, I have a fun counting, number match, and fine motor activity for you with a Halloween theme!
I made these number circles with matching number of objects. 

Your little one will take clothespins and put one clothespin over each candy corn piece. 
We counted as we put on each clothespin until we had covered up each candy corn.
These are great because it encourages counting and gives them a visual of the number, too!  Plus, they are working on their fine motor by pinching open the clothespin.
Grab your number circles HERE!

Toddler Tuesday {Preschool Activities}

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

I've decided to start a weekly (hopefully) post about fun preschool activities!
I have the opportunity to stay home with my three little kiddos and my oldest is early preschool age.  The teacher in me still tries to plan fun activities for him to do in between play groups and his own preschool.
Lately, he has been into construction EVERYTHING!  "Worker guys" or excavators he is in heaven whenever we should see these guys out working.

I found this ADORABLE file folder game from Tot Schooling!  It is a tool match!  I just laminated, cut, and added Velcro to create this fun matching game for my little guy!

We extended this fun matching game with a tool box coloring sheet!  I have made this editable, so you can add your kiddos name to it!

These activities would also be great for your Community Helpers unit when you learn about different jobs!

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