Toddler Tuesday {Preschool Activities} Week 3

Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Week 3 is all about sensory bins!

I picked up assorted beans at the store along with some plastic spider rings and put them in a plastic storage container.

I let the little guy scoop the beans first.  Then, I had him find all the spiders in the container.  At first we just put them in a pile, then I had him match one spider to a ten frame mat.

 I didn't tell him what it was, but just showed him how to organize his spiders.
This was a fun activity for one to one correspondence, but still allowed for play :)

For extra name practice, I added in some pumpkin letters for him to find and then spell his name.  He would find the letters and then I would help him put it in order.
Grab the ten frame mat HERE!
Grab the pumpkin letters HERE!


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