Five for FRIDAY!

Friday, May 30, 2014
Whoo whoo!  FRIDAY!  5 more days left of school!  We can do it!
1. We are learning about maps and our addresses in social studies.  We made each made a Flat Stanley on Tuesday.  We ran out of time to actually send them to someone, so my kiddos took them home to write about them in their journal.  My kiddos are obsessed and made more Flat Stanley's Wednesday and Thursday.  Of course, everyone had to make a cell phone and a tablet for their little friend...haha

2.   We had volunteers from our community for Junior Achievement.  They taught us about families and we even talked about maps!  It was a perfect addition to our social studies unit!
3. We started doing a Friday Surprise each week.  We earn letters throughout they day and at the end of the day we play hangman to figure out our activity.  Those letters we earned are bonus letters for hangman!  Today we did this:
They had a blast!  Love this picture!
4.  I honestly have let the kids watch more videos in the past 4 days then I did all year!  I used Peg+Cat as an award for working hard during math!  
5.  It has been so nice out every day this week, so I have spent lots of time on our deck reading and sipping wine :)

Ten Things I Want To Do This SUMMER!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

I have been MIA for way too long!  I am sorry!  I had a student teacher, a billion tests, and a PDP to complete.  By the time I got home I couldn't think about school!
BUT I am back and thinking about summer!  It is only 7 days away!
I am linking up with Deanna Jump for her fun Summer Linky!  Some of these things I WILL be doing and some I WANT to do! :)
1.  I will be spending a fun girl's weekend up north with my friend IRENE!
Last summer our teamwork paid off and we caught this fish!  I really only got it in the net.
2. WEDDINGS!  We have about 10 weddings from now until the beginning of fall!  
3.  READ, READ, READ!!  I have read more than I usually do lately, but this summer I want to read tons!  Any book suggestions!?
4. Enjoy some sun!  This winter was LONG and COLD!  Our current temps are in the 80's and I am LOVING it!
5.  Get in some good workouts!  I have been working out like a crazy woman lately and I can't wait to wake up (at a normal time) and enjoy a nice workout before the day even starts!
My current workout routine!  LOVE Tone It Up!
6. Spend time with family and friends!  Two of my friends are going to be in WI all summer!  Can't wait after they have been in far away states (AZ and CO) for WAY too long! :)  
7. Go camping!  Not planned, but the hubby just bought a new tent and I think I could "rough it" for one night! :)
8.  Enjoy the bike and running trails by our house!
9.  Do LOTS of grilling!  Last weekend I think half of my meals were made on the grill...LOVE summer!
10. Relax and try not to think about school...well until the end of July ;)

Now it is your turn to link up!

Rhyme to Read

Wednesday, May 14, 2014
I got the opportunity to review an AMAZING app!  It is called Rhyme to Read and was created by teachers!  You know it is good if teachers created it!

Fellow teachers know our immediate needs and reading is such a high priority in any grade especially in the beginning when those little ones are first learning how to decode.
In this app there are 20 books that students can click on from the home screen.  They are numbered and color coded by vowels!  Perfect if you are focusing on a certain vowel or word family for a given week!
In the book, the left side has a few words that will  be sounded out for you when you tap it and the right side has the story that can be read to you if you tap on the words.  Each word family ending is color coded based on the vowel book color.  GENIUS! 
On the top of the pages are sight words that you will find in the story on that specific page.  
So think about it-each word family word can be found in the various books PLUS the sight words are posted on each page if they are found in the passage on that page.  That means all those little kiddos have an amazing tool to teach them how to READ in a FUN way!  
I LOVE that the story #1 has a few words on each page and by book #20 you have a more complex story that includes more of the word family endings.
This app is $9.99 and worth every penny!  You are getting 20 books!  The school year is winding down, but would still be perfect for those kiddos who need extra practice!

Fact Families and a TREAT for YOU!

Thursday, May 8, 2014
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!  
We have been going over fact families a lot this week in math.  I tried doing these with my kids before and they were just NOT getting the concept.  They didn't understand that you are ONLY using the 3 numbers given to you.  Isn't it funny things you think will be simple are the most complicated!  I used a hands on approach to reteach this concept.
I created a Fact Family Mat and whipped up some color coded cards to go with it.  I told my students they needed to write 2 addition problems and 2 subtraction problems by moving their cards around.  I put a plus sign on one side and a minus on the other.
We used the mats and white boards one day.  The next day we reviewed the same concept but didn't use the Fact Family Mat.  I gave each kiddo a recording sheet.  They picked their cards, colored their dot to match the number colors, and then wrote their problems.
My favorite kiddo quote: "Hey!  This is getting easier!"  Finally, we are getting it!
Now onto my teacher TREAT!  Click HERE or on the picture.
I created a small pack of worksheets that can be used now or later!  Enjoy!

TpT Sale!

Monday, May 5, 2014
This morning I did as I always do and checked my email.  I saw I sold a few things this morning and noticed they were sold at FULL price!  I freaked out!  I was thinking my sale never set, amazing teachers weren't getting my sale price!  I ran downstairs to my computer to make sure I had my sale set up the right way... I soon realized the sale actually starts tomorrow...  Duh!

I also finished my Print and Learn: May today!  Just in time for the sale...that starts TOMORROW!

I am also working on bundling ALL the Print and Learn packs!


Friday, May 2, 2014
It is that time again!  Farley's Currently linky!
Loving-So glad it is finally FRIDAY!  Another teacher was sick the past two days so I took 6 of her kiddos in my room.  They were great, but it just took a lot more energy with those extra kiddos!
Thinking-AH MAY!!  I feel like I have way too much stuff to get through by June 6th...HELP!
Wanting-I am looking forward to a RELAXING summer.  I usually teach summer school and this year I will be enjoying my summer!  This summer is jammed pack with weddings so weekends will be a busy!
SURPRISE- Molly's blog is fabulous and her TpT products are AMAZING!

Lucky to Be in First

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